End of Service: What You Need to Know

Why is Advice Revolution discontinued?

We, Elemnta (formerly Advice Revolution), are now focusing our solutions for product providers to improve their adviser technology. We will be focusing our business exclusively in this area going forward.

What happens to my existing subscription?

You will no longer be charged for using the Advice Revolution Client Portal from 31st Jan onwards.

When will Advice Revolution no longer be available?

Advice Revolution will officially shut down on 31 March 2025.

How long can I use Advice Revolution's Plus and Pro features (Mini Fact Find, Full Fact Find, Client Portal)?

Advice Revolution’s portals (Adviser and Client) will still retain its full functionality and features until its shutdown date -31 March 2025.

How can I export my client data?

You can either push your clients’ data to Xplan or you can copy the clients’ data from our available Fact Find pages.

Push to Xplan: Simply use the “Push” button next to the client’s name on the homepage. This sends their latest information to Xplan. For more details on which Fact Find sections are included, check out our Xplan Integration Guide

Copy client’s data from the Fact Find report: Click the “Fact Find” button next to the client’s name on the homepage and copy all data.

Copy the Risk Profile and Custom Questionnaire results: You’ll find these results within the downloadable Fact Find report. Please note that while the results are included in the Fact Find report, the individual Risk Profile and Custom Questionnaire questions and answers are not included.

Download uploaded client documents: Click the “Status and task” button next to the client’s name on the homepage. This takes you to the Fact Find’s Status and Task section, where you can access the client portal document vault.

What are my alternatives? Can you recommend a similar client portal provider?

We recommend exploring iFactFind, which offers similar features for advisors and clients. Visit their website for more information: https://ifactfind.com.au/features.html

How can I contact support?

You can contact the Advice Revolution Support team via our support email (support@advicerevolution.com.au) or via our number (+612 381 8088). Our Support remains until 31 March 2025.

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